a cura di

Manuela Salvi e Roberta Moretti

Nel corso dell’anno scolastico la classe terza ha partecipato ad alcune attività Clil. Durante questi percorsi didattici si propongono lavori in lingua straniera all’interno di una materia non linguistica. In particolare hanno partecipato a due laboratori di biologia utilizzando la lingua inglese.
Le due attività laboratoriali hanno previsto in un primo momento l’estrazione del DNA, ognuno dalla propria saliva,  successivamente hanno analizzato la membrana plasmatica cellulare e il processo osmotico utilizzando le uova.

gli studenti in laboratorio

uova colorate con la barbabietola

le uova aumentate di volume

la membrana plasmatica cellulare



On Monday 31st March 2014, we had a school-trip to Bergamo in order to visit the Botanical Gardens in the upper town and to go to the Theatre “Donizetti” where the famous actor, director and playwright Steven Berkoff performed a soliloquy empathizing Shakespeare’s Villains. Of course everything was in English!
In the first part of the day we enjoyed a lesson in a lab usually used by biologists and botanists who work on plants. Our English speaking guide helped us make a special toothpaste with natural ingredients such as: mint, lemon balm (Melissa  officinalis), clay and sodium bicarbonate.
First of all, we pressed and stirred pieces of dried leaves into a bowl made of ceramic (precisely two tea spoons of Melissa and three of mint).
Then, we just added a little spoon of bicarbonate of sodium and one of clay and we mixed it until we obtained a homogeneous mixture.
Later, we had to filter it by using a strainer to eliminate the excess parts.

At the end of the experiment, which lasted about an hour, the botanist explained us how to use properly the mixture on our teeth: you have to pick up half a spoon of the green compound, add two or three drops of water, mix it with a finger and spread it on your teeth. Finally everyone was given a small part of the natural toothpaste to use at home.
In the second part of our school-trip we paid attention to the young guide talking about the plants and their characteristics in the Botanical gardens.
During the tour we had to write scientific names and different uses of the flora, becoming aware about the multiple uses of it.
After our visit we were pleased as we had discovered things we would never imagine about nature and also because we had realized how plants are important for our life.

Sara Martinelli, Erika Soggetti, Claudia Bellicini



In the laboratory

with our guide

the preparation of the toothpaste

in the botanical gardens



Convitto Nazionale di Stato "C Battisti" e Istituto Comprensivo annesso via C. Battisti n. 1 24065 Lovere (BG)

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